Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I was my own first patient. How am I doing now?


These are the words that inspired me to begin my journey as a medical student blogger. Four years later and  I’m still at it!  The time has flown since I received my acceptance letter to now, only a few weeks away from my graduation.  And as graduation approaches and I make the transition from student to resident, I can’t help but ask myself, how am I doing?  How is my first patient really doing?

It’s a difficult question to answer.  I’m alive.  I’m breathing.  Somehow I made it through.  But how am I really doing?

The truth is, when I look in the mirror I see a girl who is a shadow of her former self.  In good ways and in bad.  I’m not the same girl who started this blog four years ago.  I’m a different person.  I have a different outlook on life, a different outlook on everything.  The things I’ve learned and the things I’ve seen and the patients I’ve met have changed me.

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Your patients are rating you online: How to respond. Manage your online reputation: A social media guide. Find out how.

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