Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Improve health care services for our most vulnerable


My dad was recently diagnosed with cancer. Overnight, he found himself faced with tough care decisions, small insurance crises, and the overwhelming bureaucracy of cancer. He was also about to become tasked with managing a daily care routine far outside the scope of his usual morning ritual.

Since his diagnosis, he has returned to the hospital twice with pneumonia. While many cancer patients become prone to bacterial infections due to a weakened immune system, it is often compounded by an inability to keep up with the battery of medicines and new responsibilities of having a serious illness.

Patients living with complex illnesses require extra help, from medication adherence to finding stable housing; however, the majority of chronic care takes place in a primary care setting, preventing clinicians from fully addressing the spectrum of health needs that come with managing a chronic illness. In order for a physician to provide high-quality chronic care to a typical patient panel, they would need to spend 10.6 hours per day on just chronic care, or 27 percent more than the amount of time available for all patient care.

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