Thursday, April 14, 2016

Should we be concerned about Hillary Clinton’s health?


This presidential campaign has been alternately amusing and terrifying, courtesy of the antics of Donald Trump.  The prospect of someone who feels the need to boast about the size of his penis during a presidential debate having his small, small hands on the button to launch our nuclear arsenal does not inspire feelings of security.

He is looking increasingly likely to be nominated by the Republican Party.  Many, however, console themselves by thinking, “Well, now Hillary Clinton will definitely win!” given her increasing likelihood of winning the Democratic nomination.

Unfortunately, Secretary Clinton’s health records reveal some cause for concern.

Her medical history includes two deep vein thromboses (DVTs) in 1998 and 2009, as well as a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in 2012.  A thromboses is a clot; basically, the formation of a solid plug inside a vein, a misfire of the body’s ability to plug holes and stop bleeding.  While I could not find news articles discussing the 2009 incident in further detail, the 1998 incident was a proximal DVT — one that had ascended into the popliteal vein — an especially dangerous form of DVT that is most likely to cause a condition called pulmonary embolus which can be fatal.  A cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is also a deadly condition, with a mortality of approximately 10 percent and negative cognitive effects, though survivors make a good recovery.

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