Monday, April 11, 2016

Who are the patients that stay in the hospital for a very long time?


I just finished reading a very delightful A Piece of My Mind essay in JAMA.  JAMA is primarily a research journal, filled with new scientific or semi-scientific studies and comments on those, plus reviews of the literature and editorials on science or politics. There are also letters and announcements and educational sections for doctors or patients, even poems, but the part I like to read all the way through is called A Piece of My Mind.

These essays are almost always stories about something that has made a profound impression on the writer. The most recent title was “A Place to Stay,” written by Benjamin Clark, an internist at the Yale-New Haven Medical Center. He describes a patient who is stuck in the hospital probably for the rest of his life due to a medical condition whose treatment requires management that can’t be done anywhere else. It’s lovely, and true (even if the details are not, and I’m guessing they aren’t) and I won’t describe it more fully because it is available in full at the link.

It made me think about the vast diversity of patients I’ve known who have stayed in the hospital for way too long.

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