Tuesday, April 19, 2016

What does a perfect world for postpartum moms look like?


“One can dream.”

That’s often a quote we hear when we talk about winning the lottery or landing a job that lets us do something great like being a taster of new ice cream flavors for a living (I wish).

However, what’s sad is that many American moms utter those same words when they think about life after baby. A year of paid maternity leave. Access to a good lactation consultant. Family members who don’t just visit but who actually come to help out. One can dream, but one shouldn’t have to.

As an OB/GYN practicing in the United States, I think we do pretty good things for moms and babies in our country. However, I think there is one huge area where we fail, and that’s in caring for new families in what is known as the “fourth trimester,” the 12 weeks after giving birth that can be such a joyous but also exhausting time for new parents.

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