Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Every patient changes their doctor

My heart tells me I lost them.  My brain tells me I never had them to lose.

One of my mentors has said that all trauma surgeons have their own personal graveyard, filled with patients we couldn’t save, and families’ hearts left broken.  A truer statement has never been said, and this weekend, this trauma surgeon’s graveyard has increased yet again.

The feelings that accompany this increase are always varying and deep.

There is anger.  True wrath.  When the hell are we going to figure this out?  When are we going to stop shooting one another? When are we going to learn that drinking and driving can be deadly?  When are we going to start respecting ourselves, our bodies, and one another?  When are people going to stop paving a path of destruction for themselves and others that is wide and immeasurable?

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Your patients are rating you online: How to respond. Manage your online reputation: A social media guide. Find out how.

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