Monday, April 25, 2016

Choose your own ER adventure


It’s October, and it’s beautiful outside; warm, sunny with a lazy breeze. Colorful. Two hours into my ER shift, I meet Bridgette, a 77 year old who volunteers four days a week. She arrived by ambulance, but walks easily, and feels silly for being here.

She sits comfortably on the exam table and tells me her story: Two hours earlier, she was gardening at the seniors’ center when she had a sudden sharp pain in her abdomen. There was no vomiting and no diarrhea. She makes it clear that this happened minutes after eating a soggy cheese sandwich. She rested, and her friends gave her a glass of water. After half-an-hour, when the pain hadn’t completely resolved, someone called an ambulance.

“I’m sorry to waste your time,” she says, “I can see you’re running off your feet.”

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