Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Why the best administrators are doctors and nurses


Over the last several years since I graduated from residency, I’ve worked in many different hospitals up and down the east coast. These have ranged from large urban medical centers to rural community outposts. In all of these places I’ve felt the inevitable conflict that exists between physicians and administrators — to varying degrees.

It almost seems like a rite of passage that the world of clinical medicine and administration are at loggerheads with each other in health care. Sad, but true. I’ve personally worked with some very inspirational administrators (rare) and also some fairly terrible ones. I’ve noticed that the best and most respected administrators have been physicians (or even nurses) themselves, with many still doing clinical work to stay in touch with the front lines.

Experience has therefore taught me to be very careful with any job search, and observe carefully the “state of the administration” before signing on the dotted line. I feel I’m now finally at a place where the relationship in the hospitals I work in is fairly good, but getting there has certainly had its ups and downs.

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