Friday, March 25, 2016

It’s time to treat mental illness as seriously as we treat heart disease


I saw a patient last week for her chest pain. A 60-year-old woman came into the hospital because her chest tightened every time she went running. The pain would last about 20 minutes, centered on the left side of her chest, and radiated to her left arm. It lasted until she would finally take a break from running and sit down.

“This is classic,” I thought. “Stable angina.” I could now direct my line of questioning for the rest of the medical history to confirm my suspicions. “Any other medical problems? Ever been hospitalized before?”

“Well, I had a heart attack two years ago.”

“OK, any medications?”

“I’ve got my Advair inhaler for my asthma, Prilosec for heartburn, and Tylenol for arthritis.”

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